Recently I had posted on my Facebook Page, Urban Ninja, the same quote of the title of this blog entry. It was something that I was resonating with heavily because of how I usually hold people to high esteem. Even the people who truly don't deserve any attention from me.
I am one of those types that holds the hope that any individual will change, because they have the capacity to do so. I am especially sensitive to the idea that any individual shouldn't be given a chance to rectify their crimes or times of dishonor. I do believe there is a limit to what kind of mercy you can show to someone who refuses to change and goes as far as to perpetuate evil. However, I think the pursuit of justice requires the pursuit of compassion to prevent tyranny from grasping people who are corruptible.
I absolutely love the idea that we humans can have feelings for one another that transcends our physical bodies. Not many people agree with this idea, let alone understand it, but the idea is that we can resonate on a much deeper level than the scientific definition of our physiology. It is my opinion, which is supported through personal experience of anyone relating to this, that it is the resonance of energy that occurs first and then influences the body.
That feeling of having butterflies in your stomach is just a physiological response to having a resonance. That feeling of lust that overwhelms a person is just the physiological response to a resonance of energy also, even though it is more of a primal instinct that is heightened by hormones. However, there is that very strange occurrence when energy resonance on a purely intellectual level, inciting all the other physiological responses of the body that form the totality of attraction.
I laugh so hard at teenagers who believe with all their mind that their hearts are telling them what they are experiencing is truly meant to be. I do not deny that such a thing is possible, I simply find the irony in their explanation.. Because all you have to do is give it some time and they are onto the 'next big thing' in their supposed 'love' life.
It is possible though.. I know I've experienced overwhelming sensations that transcended my intellect yet had absolutely nothing to do with a surge of hormones. It was in those times that I had my first glimpse of inner peace; it was also those times that I was strangely content with giving up what I obtained for the sake of loving sacrifice. Yet a subtle hint that inner peace is not determined by people, but rather inner peace is determined by something more grandeur.. Something I'm meditating on to find a way to articulate a witty way to define intuitively.
This sacrificial love is very important in my eyes, it always has. For me, to love someone so much that they mean the world to you is to be ready and willing to sacrifice all your dreams and even the treasures of the world so that you can let that person know the true depth of your love.
I don't mean to criticize the relationships that anyone is in, as if I know the depth of feelings or the extent of circumstances that have brought people together. I am suggesting that there is a difference between infatuation and love. Many people fall into infatuation and confuse that with love. The meaning of love in English is so vague that most people grow up thinking it means anything positive that is emotionally based and directed to another creature; even your pets.
Well that can be true to some extent.. Thankfully there are Greek words that are ancient and true which describe the different the facets of love. What I am talking about is one step below Agape, but contains elements of it that make it true to at least one particular individual that holds a special interest to you. So special that infatuation is a misnomer, so influential that romantic is being modest, so deep that 'soul' mate is child's play.
There is a certain behavior that I have watched played out with couples. I have noticed that there may be a deepness of infatuation that is selfish and then there's a deepness of concern that brings an individual to consider their feelings less important than the one they care about.
I took these two extremes and applied it to other scenarios like the two extremes of parent[s]. The example is ones who are flippant in their concern for the individuals they brought into this world and the other side are the ones who give up everything they desire in this world to protect the individuals they helped bring into this world. There are plenty of variances that fall between, but the extremes bring clarity to the blog title for a reason.
We can all admit that there are times we're willing to deal with a selfishly inclined person if it means getting the love we require. At some point in time we all admit there is a desire to experience 'true love', most of us admitting we have no idea what that really is; especially when we come across someone who rattles the cage of resolve of such a definition.
I think humans have the capacity to learn all the meanings of love, down to the deepest parts, regardless of the situations that we may be in; at any given moment of our individual lives.
We humans have the capacity to display love, understand love, and to teach love to the world..
There is no sense in denying our natural ability to take care of this world and all that is in it, which includes each other. Since this isn't a perfect world, it makes more sense for the individual to learn how to deal with adversity and affliction. Because we can't guarantee that we'll live our dreams, it's relevant to find a way to be content with what we have and to give others the chance to make the best of life.
This is a given, I shouldn't feel the need to explain this. However, this isn't a perfect world.. So the necessity for me to speak these things is very relevant.
After all.. By putting more time into making yourself suitable for someone who has the sincere intent to give back to you, you make yourself worthy of meaning everything in the world to that someone.