Thursday, February 7, 2013


Exile: "Expulsion from one's own native land; to live in exile: prolonged separation from one's home by force of circumstances."

How about when you are exiled from a romantic relationship?

Does it count as exile, or is that just rejection?

Is all types of exile just rejection?
If so, is there much of a difference to the effects on emotions?

"I have been rejected many times. I know I have also been 'exiled' from relationships."

There is so much in this life that I look forward to. So much I want to experience and also help others experience. Yet there are times when I have to reject experiences and people, all at the expense of the uncertainty of the legitimacy of my choice.

"Does this mean I don't care how I affect the emotions of the people I reject?"

I look at exile as a temporary concept. It may be necessary for the long term, but it is not necessary to be permanent. Most of my thought comes from inspiration of the divine concept of Forgiveness. 

How could anyone possibly hope to maintain a marriage if they are not willing to forgive their own spouse? I really don't see anything that is bad enough that a person can't be forgiven, even if punishment is required to uphold justice. 

I may be the type who is compassionate to people for the sake of my own emotionally stability, but I don't do it out of fear of the consequences to my mind.

"The cost of Love is Sacrifice. The weight of Sacrifice is Pain. The result of Pain is Growth."

Here is where my point solidifies... All in this one statement, that we all have come to know:

"Home is Where the Heart is."

Think of the definition of "Exile" at the beginning. 
Being exiled from the place you call "Home" is like being exiled from your own Heart. 

"A wounded Heart in Exile can't be healed, no matter how Evil it has become."

What a shame it is, when an individual makes their home in the Heart of Evil.
There is no reprieve from fear and no hope for peace. Pessimism becomes a way of life, and life's end. 
Perhaps this is why my deep calling in life is to recognize the Pain of this world and do something about it. 

I can not give anyone a home of peace, that they can put their heart in...
However, I can help someone understand how a broken and rejected person like me found one.