Monday, February 11, 2013

Eternity In Our Hearts

In every Heart, exists a place that is Eternal

Why is it that Humans are the only creature on Earth that display that ability to discern the finite attribute of themselves, other creatures, and the Universe? 
This understanding goes beyond the mortality of a life, the growing disorder of a system, and the dissipation of energy. This understanding is of time itself, as we inherently know that an end will come to ourselves just like an end comes to our childhood or parenting days or the days of our "prime". 

"How can we be sure that we are the only ones on this Earth with this understanding?"

What does it matter if no creature shows concern for the long term like humans? Even the smartest animals don't protect the Earth from the destruction Humans bring forth. Moreover, these highly intelligent animals do nothing to protect themselves from Humans by further evolving into something capable of surmounting the dominance Humans have of this planet. 
To suggest that any animal is more capable of Humans is to suggest something we don't see. Yet it is just as ludicrous to suggest that any animal on this planet doesn't have it's proper place on this planet and in our hearts. We are more than just neighbors on a living sphere of intricate ecosystems, we are being of a similar life-force that rely on each other for a completeness that none of us asked to be a part of. 

Yet there's still this massive emptiness in the hearts of Humans which causes each individual to seek answers to things that are beyond the scope of scientific discovery or medical healing. There is a hole in the hearts of Humans which many try to explain away with a myriad of things that this Universe can offer, but it is temporary like the Universe. 

"That hole is infinite in magnitude, powerful in influence, and devastating in implication."

Often we Humans are influenced by our society to think that the only way to happiness is to satisfy our urges. By this satisfaction we somehow create chemical responses that persuade our brains to perceive life as fulfilling, regardless of how bad our circumstances may have been just prior to the fulfilling experience. To say it is a common theme in stories is no understatement. In fact, Disney makes billions on the idea of "Happily Ever After". Ironically, that idea usually carries the ideology that the good guys and the weak only suffer until they rise up to be heroes and are even honored even unto death. 
That ideology is great in theory, but impractical in reality. 
Bad guys rise up to fame, fortune, personal satisfaction, and even rulership. History has proved this to be more true than the opposite scenario. In fact, heroes die without being recognized, good guys are cursed and crushed by the world, and nothing goes according to plan. That is the stark contrast between Disney and Reality... Looking at the current state of the average person in the world will show that the "Happily Ever After" ideology is nothing but a farce. 
Why should this mean that life is a harsh reminder to those suffering affliction that they may as well curse the source of their existence?

"This is why hope becomes a matter of filling in that hole in the heart, not changing the world."

The greatest endeavor for any individual shouldn't be selfish. That is why the endeavor to satisfy the self yields suffering for others. This is because there is no true happiness in selfishness, but pursuing it anyways is a path into the abyss which is the hole in the heart itself. 
Why would anyone want to hold hope in an existence that seems cursed in every respect? Vanity is everywhere, life itself has no meaning in affliction if the troubles are endless. No sane person seeks destruction of themselves when there is light at the end of the tunnel, unless that light is an end to their affliction. Yet, is that truly sanity?

I could say what the answer is to filling in the hole in our hearts, but I know that the answer is hidden by a haze of immaturity when it comes to my own perception of life. However, that doesn't keep me from understanding the problem itself. In fact, the certainty I have is based on the toils of the individuals who have come before me. Each one, good or bad, giving insight to the problem of being an intelligent and understanding being that is finite in life and limited by the physical essence that define our humanness. 

"If there is any truth to the answer, it is understanding the problem itself."

You must fill the hole with an infinite, powerful, and insurmountable solution. The answer is obvious to me, even though the explanation of it is not easy to articulate. I know that it is a riddle to those who have no desire to be open minded and the answer is foolishness to those who pride their intelligence over correction.
So I have no desire to share my answer without being asked, even though I have an immense desire to share my understanding of the problem.
My hint to anyone is to stop looking inward for the answer and look outward instead. Yet, don't stop with the 'box' we live in called the Universe, look beyond... Far beyond.
Hopefully you learn that there is a place in your heart that is eternal, the answer is also eternal.