Often it is characterised that Women are to be pursued and Men are to be the chasers.
I am now strongly against that notion in regards to a relationship.
It is my firm belief that it may be how you initiate contact but at some point things will change and even should change. This is not to say that you go for the opposite order. It is to say that you cant keep doing the same thing in hopes for a different response.
At some point there will come a time when you experience lows and you may even doubt wgere that is leading you. However, part of life is to experience the lows so that way the plateau of the highs is not a threshold of importance. It is only then that all the small things matter so much as far as their positive influence while all the largely negative things can be overcome permanently.
This may be insane for most people but I know that for stress to be reduced efficiently you have to put all the small things away with higher priority. Otherwise you can't focus.
It is like distance jumping. The more you have on the field, no matter how small it is, makes for a big distance as it adds up. Then when something big comes along you increase the total exponentially and the overflow yields more seemingly.
Marriage is much like this concept of managing flow. So is financial stability in a very comparable sense.
Dealing with either requires an understanding of your subjective factors to get somewhere productive over a long term spectrum.
The factors are as numerous as they are consequential to many more attributes. There literally is no visible end to the diversity of possibilities despite the finite attribute that keeps it from being impossible to manage.
So the question might be, "where do you start?" or "how can you tell what requires a higher priority?"
My simple answer is this: Learn what is most important in your routine and finish the least important first.
This may seem counter intuitive, though to the subconscious it's the difference of what all is on your plate that needs to be consumed to make that plate a happy plate.
It's like a store-front. Your priority us always bringing in the money first. However you still need to do all the other little things to facilitate better timing for your priorities otherwise things pile up and fester; which is common sense to assume is a deterrent from your goal which your highest priorities are centered around.
It is the little things that we find are the easiest to make a routine around so less effort goes into it's completion and is easiest to teach others to be mindful of.
This idea is intwined into the gender approach before contact as well as into a relationship. It is the basis for making a good and honest first impression as well.
If you find yourself always running to keep up with someone you are dealing with a person who is high maintainence or you are dealing with someone who isn't truly interesyed in you. As hard as it is to ignore the thoughts generated from emotion, you have to remember that if your plate is always full, that's because someone is keeping it that way. But if it is just that you can't eat all of sonerhing as fast as the others, you should rethink your approach.