Wednesday, July 4, 2012


There are two types of Jealousy that I am aware of.
If there are any more... It's likely they still fall into the broad categories of the two main ones I'm going to talk about.

The first one is Reactive and the second one is Suspicion.

Of the two... The former is reasonable and expected. Furthermore, it doesn't hinder the capacity for self control. This is not to say that it facilities good behavior, as that isn't always true. Though it is to suggest that anyone is better off realizing that jealousy of itself isn't the culprit of negativity in this scenario.
However, with the latter version... The nature of jealousy becomes detrimental if not a hint to bigger problems.

The problem with suspicion, as most any logical person realizes or knows instinctually, many things are assumed and lots of actions are enacted that are based on a misconception of reality.
Almost always... It's a fear of loss for any kind of jealousy. The reactive kind it is a matter of material facts; not a matter of convictions and conjecture alone.

I can say that when jealousy is present, it's hard to be yourself. Or rather... That person that your lover is tuned with. Instead, you let the ugly green monster out to play and it usually bites heads off.

I have discovered that the nature of jealousy can be very subtle in it's mannerisms but almost always ends up ruining the relationship if it is a constant. Yet the best solution is to be able to recognize the patterns in your lover so that if anything... You can adjust to a situation to minimize the effects. After all... Why are you trying to exacerbate the situation?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Why are they Laughing?

Don't despair about what they told you if you find your pride being the cause of the loss of desire.
Though a word of advice, be true to yourself and be good to your emotions. How you feel is justified by reality but how you act can only be justified by morality.
Never is it ok to betray.
But it is also not ok to set yourself as the victim to justify the act of dwelling on you suffering injustice.

Who can say they don't understand what it's like to lose?
Even a winner knows that someone with talent can grow stronger. If such were not true then why does a child-celebrity evolve even if not out of the spotlight? Can you say that the people hanging onto that popularity are as mindless as rocks?
Even so.. There is no reason to believe that.
Those people are laughing but it may be that it's their own silliness they see. That doesn't mean you need to be a part of it. It doesn't mean you have to be discouraged by what you perceive as rejection. It hurts but be strong.. Your time will come and your tenacity and stoic demeanor will pass as the reason why maturity knows that the worse doesn't come from your peers but instead it comes from the wrath of authority that pays injustice with righteous anger.

This concept is deep and so is the ramifications of seeking the answers..
But who can stop you from succeeding if it is not the will of the divine for there to be absolute control of your mind?

If you can't see the truth then ask how the world continues to live on. History may repeat itself on the negative side of the spectrum but it isn't absent from the realm of positivity.

My point is simple, really.
Seek separation and you'll never know indignation. As long as it's in the name of noble interpretation.

Damnit, the rhymes...
It's not important to being stoic or retaining your individuality. Just as much as it's not important to seeking to understand others out of respect for human value despite what you may feel you are being pushed away from..
Just keep moving.
And when in doubt, put your hand over your heart, if you still have a pulse then you still have a purpose.
Your life was given and your importance can't be taken. Let them laugh, it may be the only way for you to hold onto yourself.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hard Times

Who hasn't been in the position of worrying about the thoughts, actions and intent of someone?
You could be in the position as the parent, the friend, distant family, sibling our the lover. Yet the differences between those is not the level if your concern but rather what the goal is in the relationship.

I have to admit that my passion for intimacy with all people is so deep that it drives me to the brink of my sanity.
Though I prefer not to be about a selfish desire of what I get out of it, I know that my emotions won't allow me to pretend otherwise. So it comes naturally for me to be angered our at least saddened when I feel betrayed our otherwise misused.

Often we hear about broken hearts as well as abusive intentions. We all seem to know the answer as it comes forward.. Yet putting the knowledge to practical use is very hard. It is without a doubt that there is a coaching process involved.
I have come to terms that it is very hard to have a comprehensive system within your emotions to do something that requires logic.. Though you can practice at it so that you have a better chance of making a better judgement call or reacting calmly, it is no surprise that the major pit-fall exists as a psychological deterrent.

Usually the younger you are the more important your feelings are just as the more you are susceptible to being hurt long term.
So what is thee answer to being able to become stoic just as much as sensitive to empathy?
Though I don't think the answer is simple I do think that we can find peace in the attempt to be honest about our feelings while being true to our attempts of finding Love.

First you have to let go of your feelings, abandon the idea that they matter so that you can clearly discern if you are wasting your time trying to pursue someone.
Second you have to analyze what got you into the position that you are in so you know how to keep it from happening just as much as keep yourself from listening to someone who is leading you down that same road with a different tune.
Thirdly you should find people or something that can keep you occupied yet not distracted so that you can allow time to heal your wounds.

In this order you stand a chance against yourself, as the details between these things are intense as subjectivity can possibly be.